Exporting org-mode trees to HTML

Table of Contents


This project provides a wrapper to simplify using org files as base for scripted publishing projects. Most of the implementation is in lisp, with a GithHub action and a shell script wrapper provided.

Per default it supports page creation using org-thtml (as used for this page) or the default org-mode output (this page with default renderer) - but can be customised to call arbitrary functions to handle the export. Tested copies of both org-thtml and htmlize are included in this repository, and will be automatically used by both script and action.

Very simple projects will be fine with some variables set in file headers, if at all. More complex projects may need to set some variables in user setting files, while even more advanced ones will want to create custom lisp functions there.

User setting files

The export script will try to load the file export-settings.user in a directory matching the project name, if available, and fall back to the project directory otherwise.

This file can contain arbitrary Emacs lisp, and gets loaded at the very end, i.e., can override or add to any variable or function definitions.

Changing defaults for export modules

Each export module uses three levels of configuration:

  • publish-org-tree defaults
  • overwritten by settings used when adding the module
  • overwritten by settings in <module>-export-plist

All Org-mode publishing options are allowed. The format follows the org-publish-project-alist format to allow easy transformation of the different modules into a single org-publish-project-alist.

Project specific modules are best configured as described in the following section, while overrides for the default modules are best done using the 3rd override:

(setq html-export-plist '(:with-toc t))

This will enable TOC generation for the main HTML export module. Note that TOC generation is mainly useful when using the default org exporter - with org-thtml it is often easier to just call org-html-toc in a template. Also see the org-page-toc-level variable.

Configuring additional export modules

The export script uses the list dynamic-modules for generated content, and the list static-modules for static content. Any additional modules pushed onto those list will be generated before the default modules - this is useful for generating files the main export pass expects to be present. The format follows the specification for

(push `("sidebar"
        :publishing-directory ,abs-template-directory
        :base-directory ,(plist-get settings :project-directory)
        :exclude ,(regexp-opt '("index.org" "README.org"))
        :include ("sidebar.org")) dynamic-modules)

This example defines an export module called sidebar, excluding the files index.org and README.org, with the resulting html files generated in the absolute path to the template directory - which is the search path for org-thtmls :include macro.

(push `("fontawesome"
        :publishing-directory ,(expand-file-name "fontawesome" (plist-get settings :publish-directory))
        :base-directory ,(expand-file-name "../fontawesome" (plist-get settings :project-directory)))

This example pushes a local copy of Font Awesome as static files to the subdirectory fontawesome in the publish directory.

Building locally

It is recommended to set up and test local builds first - once those are working transferring it to build on GitHub is trivial.

This section assumes the following local directory structure, with this repository checked out next to the directory containing the data for the published page:

|-- publish-org-tree
|   |-- doc
|   |   `-- index.org
|   |- action.yml
|   |- publish-org-tree.el
|   `- publish-org-tree.sh
|-- page
|   |-- style
|   |    `-- css
|   |-- templates
|   `-- doc
|       `-- index.org

The shell should be in the page directory, calling the publish-org-tree.sh script with a relative path:

~/page/> ../publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.sh
Loading /home/user/git/publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/git/publish-org-tree/ox-thtml.el (source)...
Package cl is deprecated
*** Configuration summary ***

Configuration variables (defaults marked with *):

*default-page-template: page.html
*org-publish-function: org-html-publish-to-html
*project-directory: .
*project-name: default
*static-files: (css eot gif jpg js json less mp3 ogg pdf png scss svg ttf txt woff woff2 yml zip)

Publishing project ’default’ to
Elements in export alist:
- default
- default-static
- default-html
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-static.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/style/css/default.css using ‘org-publish-attachment’
Resetting org-publish-cache
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-html.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/doc/index.org using ‘org-html-publish-to-html’

This will have generated doc/index.html - nice, but not quite ideal. By setting the publish_directory variable the output directory can be controlled:

~/page/> publish_directory=/tmp/org-publish ../publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.sh
Loading /home/user/git/publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/git/publish-org-tree/ox-thtml.el (source)...
Package cl is deprecated
*** Configuration summary ***

Configuration variables (defaults marked with *):

*default-page-template: page.html
*org-publish-function: org-html-publish-to-html
*project-directory: .
*project-name: default
publish-directory: /tmp/org-publish
*static-files: (css eot gif jpg js json less mp3 ogg pdf png scss svg ttf txt woff woff2 yml zip)

Publishing project ’default’ to /tmp/org-publish
Elements in export alist:
- default
- default-static
- default-html
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-static.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/style/css/default.css using ‘org-publish-attachment’
Resetting org-publish-cache
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-html.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/doc/index.org using ‘org-html-publish-to-html’

Note that the output shows that publish-directory has been changed from the default value.

Now /tmp/org-publish exists - but the index.html is still in the doc subdirectory. It can be moved to the root of the publish directory by setting the project_directory variable to doc:

~/page/> project_directory=doc publish_directory=/tmp/org-publish ../publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.sh
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-static.cache...
Resetting org-publish-cache
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-html.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/doc/index.org using ‘org-html-publish-to-html’

index.html is directly in /tmp/org-publish - but now the CSS is missing. The easiest way to keep CSS files separate from the rest of the page is by setting the style_directory variable:

~/page/> style_directory=../style project_directory=doc publish_directory=/tmp/org-publish ../publish-org-tree/publish-org-tree.sh
Elements in export alist:
- default
- default-style
- default-static
- default-html
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-style.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/style/css/default.css using ‘org-publish-attachment’
Resetting org-publish-cache
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-static.cache...
Resetting org-publish-cache
Loading /home/user/.org-timestamps/default-html.cache...
Publishing file /home/user/git/page/doc/index.org using ‘org-html-publish-to-html’

Now style/css gets published to /tmp/org-publish/css in the additional style module.

Using as github action

Assuming the local configuration works the parameters can be easily applied to the github action. All environment variables can be set as environment for the action - but publish-directory is available is input to the action with a default more sensible for use in the action (/tmp/publish-org-tree):

- name: Build page
  uses: aardsoft/publish-org-tree@v1
    project_directory: doc
    style_directory: ../style

After preparing the repository for github pages this action can also directly push the generated page to github pages:

- name: Build page
  uses: aardsoft/publish-org-tree@v1
    gh-pages: true
    project_directory: doc
    style_directory: ../style
    GH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

Available inputs to control GitHub pages publishing are:

  • gh-pages, assumed True when set to any value
  • gh-pages-branch, the branch published pages should be pushed to. Default is gh-pages.
  • gh-pages-directory, the directory in the branch pages should be pushed to. Default is ., i.e., the root of the directory tree.

Customising output through org variables

Some output options can be set per file by binding specific variables in the file header, in addition to the usual org-mode export settings. Note that all variables listed here can also be set as user settings as global settings for a project.

#+BIND: org-page-template "page_with_inline_sidebar.html"
#+BIND: org-page-toc-in-sidebar t

Arbitrary variables can be used with org-thtml - but as the templates get compiled they need to be defined: (defvar org-page-my-custom-variable nil). To avoid having to add user settings for common variables some variables only useful inside of templates are also pre-defined.


Override the page template to use when exporting this page.


Set the depth of the TOC included in some templates. Default is 3.

Note that this needs to be supported in the templates - the relevant templates needs to contain something like this:

{{(org-html-toc org-page-toc-level info)}}


Include a TOC in templates with inline sidebar. Default is t.

Note that this needs to be supported in the templates - the relevant templates needs to contain something like this:

{{(if org-page-toc-in-sidebar (org-html-toc org-page-toc-level info))}}


A list of stylesheets to add to the page. If the path is absolute it will be transformed to a path relative to the project directory. The default value is '().

#+BIND: org-page-stylesheets ("/css/default.css" "/css/pure/pure-min.css")

Note that this needs to be configured in the templates - see add-relative-stylesheets for details.


Use a list of default stylesheets. The default value is nil. This is just a flag for guarding an implementation which needs to be either provided in a customisation file or a template. A possible way to do it in a template is:

  (if (and (= (length org-page-stylesheets) 0) org-page-default-stylesheets)
      (setq org-page-stylesheets '("/css/default.css"

Note the "" at the end - the template engine experts strings, so to execute arbitrary code without changing the output the last argument must be an empty string.


A list of stylesheets to add to a page with relative paths. Can be used as alternative to org-page-stylesheets with a more descriptive name.


A list of stylesheets to add to the path with absolute paths. The variable content will not be modified, and should already be absolute paths to the stylesheet locations on a server or filesystem.

Customising output with environment variables

Some aspects of the export script can be controlled via environment variables, some of which are exported as action parameters. This section documents a complete list of available variables.


The default template to use if no other template is specified.. Defaults to page.html.


The function to call for doing the export. Defaults to org-html-publish-to-html. For using org-thtml set this to org-html-publish-to-templated-html, look at the org-thtml example templates, generade a template directory, and maybe read the advanced templating section.


The main directory to export. Defaults to ., which often is not what you want.


The name of the project. This is mostly used internally, so leaving the default of default is fine in most cases.


The directory to publish the generated files to. Defaults to "" when used directly, which usually is not what you want.


A list of patterns for matching static files to export. Defaults to css eot gif jpg js json less mp3 ogg pdf png scss svg ttf txt woff woff2 yml zip.


A directory containing style sheets and similar files. The default is "" (empty). When not empty this is treated as an additional static module.

Note that the directory name is relative to the project directory. Assuming the following directory structure with the scripts executed in the page directory and the project set to doc the correct value for style_directory is ../style

|-- style
|   `-- css
|   `-- templates
`-- doc


A directory containing template files. Setting this usually is only sensible when using org-html-publish-to-templated-html as org_publish_function.

Just like style_directory this is relative to the project directory.

- name: Build page
  uses: aardsoft/publish-org-tree@v1
    project-directory: doc
    gh-pages: true
    GH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    pre_excludes: .

Advanced use: Lisp in templates

publish-org-tree.el defines some helper function useful when using templates. This section documents those helper functions.


This function takes a list of stylesheet files, and generates the matching link statements without altering the path names.

It can be used in a template as follows:

{{(if (> (length org-page-absolute-stylesheets) 0)(add-stylesheets org-page-absolute-stylesheets info))}}


This function takes a list of stylesheets (see org-page-stylesheets and org-page-default-stylesheets), and generates path names relative to the project directory. This enables easy publishing of self-contained pages where CSS can be found by the browser both locally and when published to a web server.

With org-page-stylesheets set either through a user setting file, in a template or in the org header the following org-thtml snippet will include the correct stylesheets:

{{(if (> (length org-page-stylesheets) 0)(add-relative-stylesheets org-page-stylesheets info))}}


Insert the contents of a file without performing macro expansion:

{{(insert-from-file "custom-insert.html")}}

The function takes a list of directories to search for the file as optional second argument. If omitted the file is searched in the project directory, followed by the template directory.

Configure github pages

This action can directly publish to github pages. To use this first a branch for pages needs to be created. The following creates a branch with an empty index.html:

:@dev; git checkout --orphan gh-pages
:@dev; git rm -rf .
:@dev; touch index.html
:@dev; git add index.html
:@dev; git commit -m 'Initialize gh-pages branch'
:@dev; git push origin gh-pages
:@dev; git checkout master

Next the gh-pages parameter needs to be added to this action. Note that any value here is read as True:

- name: Build page
  uses: aardsoft/publish-org-tree@v1
    project-directory: doc
    gh-pages: true
    GH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

The GH_TOKEN variable with the github secret is required for pushing to the branch.

Created: 2024-03-18 Mon 12:54